1. All bands will have a 15-minute time slot in which to perform. Songs performed may be cover tunes, originals or a combination of both. All songs must meet the following restrictions: no vulgarities, excessive profanities, lewd comments, racist remarks, violence or sexual content.
2. Due to time constraints, a limited number of bands will be accepted for the event. Bands are accepted by video audition. All bands must submit a video clip (one minute or longer) of the band performing all or part of one song (does not have to be a song from your set list). Band members performing in the video audition MUST BE the band members who will perform on stage at the event. Audition videos will be reviewed by Music4CHIEF officials and bands will be notified of their acceptance to the event via email.
3. All bands must submit a set list with lyrics to music4chiefproject@gmail.com for review and approval of music.
4. Bands must be unsigned, amateur groups consisting of 3 or more members. Solo or duet artists are not eligible. Bands signed with recording studios, record labels or professional music managers are not eligible.
5. Bands must provide their own guitars, cables, drumsticks, drum pedal(s), cymbals with stands, mics and mic stands. P.A., amps & drum set will be provided.
6. Band wardrobe must be appropriate for a family-friendly event, including any graphics on instruments. Music4CHIEF reserves the right to disqualify any band determined not to be in appropriate attire. Disqualification is at the discretion of Music4CHIEF officials.
7. This is a Teen Band competition. Band members should be 19 years old or younger. Bands with any members over 19 must have over 50% of its members being 19 years old or younger and any band with members older than 19 MUST LIST names & ages of those members in the "special requests" section of the registration form for review by Music4CHIEF officials.
8. Band members are only allowed to compete with one band only.
9. Each band must complete a BAND REGISTRATION form. Each individual participant must complete a PARTICIPANT REGISTRATION form, including media release. All participants under the age of 18 must submit a signed Parent Permission Form.
10. Music4CHIEF, Inc., expects all entrants to show consideration and good sportsmanship to other contestants and audience members. The Battle of the Bands is a family-oriented, safe and fun atmosphere for all in attendance.
11. There will be no contesting of the winners. Judges will have the final word. A copy of the Judging Criteria is available on our website.
12. No alcohol, drugs or firearms permitted inside or around the outside of the 6140Events venue at any time before, during, or after the event. The Forsyth County Sheriff’s Department will be in attendance to ensure a safe and fun environment.
14. Band registration fee of $25 is refundable through June 30, 2018. Registration fees are non-refundable on or after July 1, 2018.