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All participants in the Music4CHIEF Battle of the Bands who are under the age of 18 must submit a Parent Permission Form signed by a parent/guardian.


I give permission for the Participant named below to perform on stage at the Music4CHIEF Battle of the Bands event. I understand the Participant will be performing on stage in close proximity to electrical equipment and instruments. I understand the Participant assumes all risk, both known and unknown, including those that may arise out of the negligence of other participants. I agree that Music4CHIEF, Inc., and it’s officers and event volunteers are free of responsibility for any personal injury or personal property damage that may result before, during or after that Participant’s performance. I understand that the Participant is responsible for his/her belongings while at the event.


I have read and understand the Competition Rules that the Participant is required to follow. The Participant accepts full responsibility for his/her behavior before, during and after the event.


I give permission to Music4CHIEF, Inc., and it’s officers and volunteers to transport the Participant to the nearest medical facility in the event of a medical emergency.


____________________________________________                                        _______________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name (printed)                                                          Participant Name (printed)



Parent/Guardian Signature



Date Signed



**Please print, sign and submit this document for all participants under age 18**
You may email a scanned or photographed document to
Participant is not fully registered until Parent Permission Form is received.

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